Well, it’s certainly been a minute, hasn’t it? While finals were their usual sprint to the finish, my winter break was also a bit all over the place. In the span of three weeks, my travel went something like this: Philly, New York, Maine, Chicago, Philly, New York, Philly.
With a dad in Chicago, a mom in New York, a grandmother in Maine, and early classes in Philly, I’m lucky I was able to laze around as much as I did (which is the only real purpose of winter break, amirite?). Aside from catching up on the Real Housewives of Atlanta, I applied to a couple internships, reworked my resume, cleaned out my Chicago closet a little, and finally finished a book I was reading for pleasure throughout the semester.

Living out of a suitcase for six weeks was a little trying at times. I also realized my wardrobe is more monochromatic than I thought...

My first order of business post-finals was to see the Hobbit in domed IMAX at the Franklin Institute. I'm not a Tolkien fan per se, but that screen was pretty great. Also, I want a sled led by giant rabbits.

Maine was hit with a blizzard so I had to leave early and stay the night before my flight in a hotel. New England is no joke.