My, it’s been a minute! Hello, blogosphere. Since my last post, I’ve navigated several new milestones. First, I finished junior year and am officially senior complete with Anass-ing privileges. For those new to Bryn Mawr jargon, the Anass is our college cheer/chant and can only be started by seniors. I have yet to begin one personally — I guess you could say I’m waiting for a special moment or event.
Thanks to the generous funding available through the Dean’s Office, I spent this past summer working as a Curatorial Intern at the Institute of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania. I had the privilege of assisting several curators and a Bryn Mawr PhD candidate on the museum’s forthcoming Jason Rhoades exhibit. I also edited exhibition catalogs and provided extensive research for the department. It was a very rewarding, not to mention fun!, experience.
It was also the first summer I lived away from home. Since one of my parents lives in downtown Chicago, I’ve had the advantage of participating in many internship programs without having to relocate to an urban area. Although I did miss having my groceries magically appear every week (not to mention my family and pup!), living independently in Philadelphia was a fun adventure that reaffirmed my love for the city.
Further summer recap after the jump, including Chicago, Maine, New York, popsicles, and puppies.

Back in Philly, I had an amazing weekend at Ladyfest complete with iced coffee from a keg, a zine about being an 8th grade mall goth, and an awesome Permanent Wave patch!